Monday, January 31, 2011

Bang Head Here

I think the kids are picking up on
my ever-rising stress level

Ms. G, do you have any fresh wounds?
Uh, no dear. Why do you ask?
Because I have a supply of band-aids if you need anything.
Thanks, bud.

Mother of pearl, the guitar is twice the size of
the kid, and her legs don't even reach the floor!

What's that you're reading? Oh, PROVERBS!
Don't mind seeing this on the playground at all!

Ms. G, Ms. G! Check out the refraction on the wall.
Refraction? Do you mean reflection?
No way, Ms. G. That's not a mirror,
that's a solid wall. Can't you see that?!

Sorry, kiddo. I'll look more closely next time.

Right on, little one.

A kindergarten kiddo wants to be a missionary.
This is AWESOME.

I love that kids still dream about being farmers.
Who dreams about growing corn fields!?
This is just beautiful!

Everyone will have pees.
Pees on earth. :)

To be happy, to get along... and fruit.

And finally... to read, to write, to SPEL. HA!

This wickedly cool keyboard is really this flat! And works!
It rolls right up, and turns on with a switch. Sweet!

These CREEPY digestive systems are all over the school.
I'd like to know what caused this one's indigestion...

All-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast fundraiser at Applebee's.
6:30 am on a Saturday morning. Oy.
I think I learned the most from the cook who constantly made pancakes: stay calm, when things get dark just flip them over, and you can only make one set of pancakes at a time, so don't get your syrup in a boil.

We're a pretty colorful bunch, oh tie-dyed staff members.

My kids rock.
Pancakes with personalities as amusing as they are!

And for this week's karma lesson: the humungo snowplow/sand truck just HAD to pass me this morning. Go for it buddy, I'm not wrecking my car. He starts dropping sand in the street, so I hang back. He guns it through the school neighborhood...only to LOSE IT on the curve, jumps the sidewalk, and completely takes out the fence! I had all I could do not to wave when calmly passing him. Have a good day, sand man. :)

Hello and Jello

Hiya, blog readers! Bless you for sticking it out, and waiting for me to return. I've missed blogging terribly, and won't even attempt to catch up on everything. These late January posts are a bit out of order, but honestly, it doesn't really matter. The photos are filled with beauty and humor, and I couldn't be happier to jump right back into blogging! Happy New Year!

"I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills..."

Christmas Eve Outdoor Nativity.
Camels and Angels and Shepherds, Oh my!

Working our way through this text at Church Council.

Sweet pea, Addison, helping at the Food Breakdown.

You're never too young to jump into the action!

Over 4,000 lbs of food for Metro CareRing! BOOYA!

I love that rock! 3rd floor views have their perks!

So sad. A flat, empty box that
should be holding delicious cupcakes.

Hooray! An order form that will let me order cupcakes! The Cupcake Truck will be stopping by Bethany on February 13th, and 25% of all sales goes directly back to Metro CareRing! Such a yummy way to fight hunger!

Still shot from an ELCA video on Lutheran Men in Mission by Tim Frakes. Check out the entire video here.

One of the more unique birthday
treats from a kiddo - GREEN JELLO!

Castle Rock has some great views, I'm telling ya!


HEY! Sheboygan! Dad sent this pic of
my favorite lighthouse and harbor!

Check out all those learning Lutherans!
Caring conversations, tablecloths and all!

"The sun will come tomorrow..."
Those foothills always amaze me!

Packer Backers! Mom and the crew
at Professional Supply! Go, Cheeseheads!
Enough said.

Colorado weather is ALWAYS amusing:
This was the temp on Saturday, January 29.
School has been canceled for Tuesday, February 1
because the temps will be about -3 F. Go figure.

Our theme at church for 2011 is "Blessed to Be a Blessing"
and I have to admit, there is a part of me that always chuckles
at the thought of this scene from Christmas Vacation.

The big ole tree in Castle Rock had even
bigger Christmas presents underneath it.

If you look closely at this picture, you'll see that the office ladies actually reserved the room for the purpose I requested: underwater basket-weaving! (water optional)

What IS baptism? We're learning lots this year.

Check out the wonder on the
little one watching from the font!

Peace out.