Monday, May 25, 2009

Baby Esmerelda

Ok, so that's NOT the name of  my colleague Nicole's soon-to-be-born baby girl.  That would be unusually cruel.  Although, we could call her Elda...  Elda it is.  Here are a few pics of the happy baby shower this past week!

Here's Nicola (pregnant with Baby Bob) and the INCREDIBLE spread of food.  If only we could always eat this well at school.  Mmmm, meatballs....

Yes, an entire basket of hand sanitizer.  
Nicole and Nicola swear by it.

Quite the loot.  Baby showers ROCK!

Nic and the darling hand-made hair bows 
that Ashley crafted:  check out her blog here!

How crazy is it when the babies of
 past showers start showing up as toddlers!

Erin, Blair, and Erin (Liam and Ava, too)

A bajillion other people from Flagstone

1 comment:

Allikaye's Mama said...

Hey thanks for the shout out! You take good pictures my dear!!