It's always good to know there are people out there that notice when you disappear. I've received more e-mails and voice messages over the last couple of days than in a long while, wondering if I've abandoned my blog. Heavens no! Life simply grabbed me away from my Blogland. I'm back, peeps, and thanks for checking in! Picking up where I left off..

Mom and Dad at a wedding reception - love the

Father's Day -
flexible Care band that stores medical information - something he can wear on motorcycle trips that carries all of his important information.

tornado that was WAY too close to our elementary school! We actually had to tuck and duck at school - poor little kiddos! Destroyed some barns in a nearby town.

There is something just WRONG about having an elementary school
playground in the forefront of this photo. Our PE teacher took this picture at school! Eek!

horses - just standing there!
Photo by: Jo Michele Sheridan

Belleview Promenade - Home to
Cool River Cafe, a most
delicious dining experience! Thanks again Joe and Nicole!

Video posted on Facebook this week of
Cabaret 1999, back during my undergraduate days at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Here's Toby and I - he's 6 foot 4 inches tall, and I can't believe I ever had that much hair!

Speaking of hair - what a DOLL! Here is
Caroline, the daughter of my good Regis pal, Erin. She's 9 months now, and her dad is an amazing photographer.
Here is his website!
Such a
happy little girl!

Caroline's first trip to the zoo - what a

Beauty and the Beast - the
storm approaches!

This is
Adam Pascal, one of the original cast members of RENT. We were dining at a local deli, and spotted him on his way to the show! Too cool!

I realize this is an odd picture - it's the
flower sign-up board I worked on at Bethany Church. I promised Mom I'd post it so she could see what I worked on while volunteering in the office. It's the little things...

...and the little people! Here's
Baby Hank!
A gorgeous shot of the
Regis Chapel at night!