Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Flowers and Sunsets and Cats in the Church

 I really can't get over the beauty that can be 
found around here in FEBRUARY.
I feel like I'm in some sort of seasonal, time-warp!

 This is the view when I step outside of the Chapel doors.

 Tuesday lunches have become one of our favorite times of the week!  We have a small break between TWO, yes TWO, 3-hour classes, so we zip down the hill and prepare ourselves a delicious lunch in the campus kitchen.  We then take it outdoors and bask in views like the one above.  Honestly.  The colors.  The company.  The calm.  All SHALL be well.

Caitlyn and I HAD to take the long way down the big hill the other day, as the sun was setting, and when the sky looks like this, you simply HAVE to pull over and watch that sun go down.  The gap between the land is the Golden Gate Bridge, and the colors and reflections the night sky offered were glorious!
Really, now.  God is GOOD!

How I love seeing these faces appear on my phone!

 " Are you here?  Are you coming?!"
Not yet, little ones.  Not yet.

Poor Cinco!  
She never knows what I'm going to drag her into next!

Hope Lutheran is doing a brief (Lenten) study on Mystics and Saints.  Last week, Pastor Deb preached on Óscar Romero, and Henri Nouwen and Teresa of Avila, etc. are to come in the weeks ahead.  This Wednesday, I preached on Julian of Norwich (the English mystic who lived with a cat), so of course, I simply HAD to bring along Cinco.  She sat and walked nearby as I preached, accompanying me as Julian's cat did with her.  The congregation was great - they were really, good sports and I found a lot of cat lovers in the bunch!  I really do LOVE this call!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would love to hear this series of sermons.