Wednesday, February 17, 2010

God's Work, Our Hands

Tonight's Ash Wednesday service allowed time to reflect on the days that will lead up to Easter. I remember so enjoying last year's service, and tonight left an even deeper impression on my soul

Sundays and Seasons, a publication of the ELCA that assists in the planning of worship, describes Ash Wednesday like this: "Lent begins with a solemn call to fasting and repentance as we begin our journey to the baptismal waters of Easter. As we hear in today's readings, now is the acceptable time to return to the Lord. During Lent the people of God will reflect on the meaning of their baptism into Christ's death and resurrection. The sign of ashes suggest our human mortality and frailty. What seems like an ending is really an invitation to make each day a new beginning, in which we are washed in God's mercy and forgiveness. With the cross on our brow, we long for the spiritual renewal that flows from the springtime Easter feast to come."

Communion was served tonight at the rail, Pastor Ruth Ann on my right, Pastor Ron on my left. I followed closely behind with the bread and the wine, watching them give the imposition of ashes. Looking up from their knees were the congregants of Bethany - I was taken aback by the outstretched hands of people seeking this Holy meal. I could truly serve Communion for hours, as each time I say the words "The body and blood of Christ, broken and shed for you" - EACH time - is an affirmation of my own belief. God's work, our hands.

1 comment:

RTG said...

lovely thoughts and words, thanks for your witness and minsitry