I should be preparing for my next Kagan training.
OR...I should be enjoying my summer vacation.
Choice B, thank you very much.

Greetings. I am the mountain goat that obviously had a
run-in with a weedwhackeron the way over to this viewing area.
I'm not very fluffy. Please love me anyways.

Sweet peas
and penguins.

Oh, to be a
carefree penguin.
Note to self: the Denver Zoo randomly allows Flamingos to take a WALK around the zoo. Technically, they are being guided by zoo staff. Realistically, these things
squawk and flap wherever they darn well please.

Lady, I can totally see you taking my picture.
Please step back.
with the BABES!
with the CUTIES
with the DARLINGS!
(you get the point)

Pretty good...for an
(no really - an elephant painted this)
Here's the gang in

...and here we are in

P.S. Another potty training device I found this week.
He he he he...
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