Saturday, November 6, 2010

Family Faith Night: WORSHIP

Family Faith Night was this evening at Bethany! We had a "Sanctuary Crawl" where members of the congregation explained certain aspects of what goes into a worship service. Just some of the things these caring adults shared:
  • Marie (Usher) walked the kids through seating people, what to do with the bulletins, and how to usher the congregation to Communion.
  • Forrest (Sound) displayed all the ins and outs of the sound system and showed the families where and how things plug in throughout the Sanctuary.
  • Katie (Sacristan) explained why we light the Altar Candles and let the kids feel just how heavy the cross is.
  • Linda (Altar Guild) showed the kids how to set the altar and what happens at the bubbling font during a baptism.
  • Rick (Organ) demonstrated what the organ can do, and let the kids sit on the bench and try-out the pedals and sounds.
Families rotated for 15 minutes at each station, enjoyed a delicious spaghetti dinner, and finished the night with a kid-friendly worship. Pr Ron and I helped spell out exactly what was happening DURING worship - explaining things as we went. An awesome way for families to directly connect to the worship aspect of their faith.

Marie and children, gathered at the rail.

How DOES that organ work?

See the speakers WAY up there?

So, THAT'S what's in that usher closet!

Acolytes in training with Katie.

Linda walks the kids through setting THE table.

They are all so little and serious!
Some day, they'll be in a robe, too!

Marie at the end of her rope.
Just ushering the kids along.
No pew-ny tasks here.
Okay, I'm done now. :0)

Jack Attack.

This kid ROCKS. Sam is the MAN! Comfortable in the pulpit, played the piano with me on the last song, and spontaneously volunteered to give the prayer before the meal. (AND, as I'm sure my brother will point out, wearing a Romo jersey in church.) One. Cool. Guy.

Washed in the waters...

Sammy was beyond thrilled to have a chance to sit on the bench!

Just singing through a few favorites.

Here we go..17 families with LOTS of little people!

Part 1 of worship: we GATHER together.

Elias volunteered to light the candles for worship. Mind you, I quickly picked him and THEN realized he was one of the smallest kids in the room! HA! That didn't stop this little guy! Hooray for Dads who help when flames are involved!

"In the name of the Father..."

Gathered at the font, listening to
Pr Ron explain what he's wearing.

Mother of pearl, would you look at them!?
THAT is worship.

Pink scarf + green shaker = JOY!

Mason led the opening prayers!

Part 2 of worship: we hear the WORD of God

And she's standing ON the step-stool!

What IS worship?
We COME, we LISTEN, we EAT, we GO!

So many captions, so little time. :)
Time to give thanks while Pr Ron talks turkey.

Part 3 of worship: we celebrate the holy MEAL of Communion

Part 4 of worship: we SEND you on your way,
into the world to tell the good news!

You KNOW I had to have a shirt for the evening!

A night of family and faith!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

That is cool they went through the parts of the service. So many people go to church and have no clue what they are doing, besides going through the motions. I have told my mom a few times they should do this during church.

Love your mom's costume!