Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Loving my Green Tea Latte. Hooray for Starbucks and other companies that went RED today, World AIDS Day. RED is the branding effort created by Bono and Bobby Shriver, which siphons proceeds from the sale of certain consumer goods to The Global Fund to raise money for AIDS research and treatment, specifically in African countries.

RTG's blog pic for the day - read more!

After SIX years in my classroom, you would think that my kids would know how to draw a note by now! Here is sad looking lollipop of a note...and the student's head properly hung in shame! (He was SUCH a good sport, and re-drew the note just fine on the 2nd try!)

A special blessing.

My kids are crazy. Sometime during my 5th grade class, one of them snuck into my cabinets, grabbed the inflatable astronaut from my space supplies, and stuck him underneath my desk! No wonder they were giggling on their way out the door...

Well, there you have it!

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