It's the third week of
Advent - A Time of Hope!
Lots to think about at
H2O Devos!

Do you
see what I
FOUR FULL BOXES of food for our local Task Force!
Hooray, Flagstone Choir Families!

After the smoke cleared at our Choir Concert,
I found this
note on the board from a former student!
What a fun surprise!

Check out my
Reindeer Cookie! Yum!
Thanks, Carter Family!

Me: Tell me about your turkey.
Kid: He's a
waiter turkey.
Me: And what's a waiter turkey?
Kid: It's a turkey with a mustache. He serves people food. See his food plate? You can't eat something that gives you food, so we don't eat waiter turkeys.

My church pal,
Deb, came on down to the City and County Building on Tuesday to hear my last night of bell playing. Yeah! I just love the colors of this building!

dogs enjoyed the bells, too.

Sticking with the dog theme, Deb actually gave me this
dog at our Women's Retreat - it is motion-activated, and rolls over and laughs one of those I-can't-possibly-help-but-laugh-out-loud-and-forget-my-worries kind of laughs.

Check out the Sunday School Kids of Bethany!
The sparkly munchkins I hung out with
before the program began.

Rules of the House for Bell Playing. Got it.
Rule #2 was the only one I might not have completely followed to the letter. And, for the record, I never brought my gun-carrying, carcinogen-smoking dog with me, either. No exceptions.

Last and absolutely not least, my new
Lutheran Study Bible! Check out my name imprinted on the front! This is the Bible I won from
Augsburg Fortress for my submission on how the Scriptures inspire me. I told them about my "
Lift Every Voice and Sing" song, and won this incredible resource!
Love that "Lutheran Study Bible" photo, Brenda! I'm so glad you won and are enjoying using it! Blessings, Beth Lewis, President & CEO, Augsburg Fortress ceo@augsburgfortress.org http://twitter.com/bethalewis
That bow is like what girls in Russia wear!! They all have these HUGE bows on their heads, which seems a little strange to me but everyone does it there. I didn't realize girls did it here too LOL!
The city county building is just so gorgeous. I could look at those pictures forever.
BTW - it wasn't until a month or two ago (read: after I got Zachary) that I realized Twinkle, Twinkle and the ABC song had the same melody! HA!
When are you coming back to she Sheboygan? I'd love to get together. I'm off of work until next year (that sounds nice!!) but am leaving to go to Ft. Wayne on the 26th. Let me know!
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